Aligned Living Mentor, Prairie Yana


I am PrairieYana,

I have dedicated my life to serving individuals who are ready to move beyond the limiting stories they have been fed through social conditioning and trauma-experiences. One of my most powerful discoveries in life has been learning that our beliefs and perceptions of the world shape the lives we live. Even more profound, we have the ability to shift our beliefs and perceptions in a way that empower us to live in harmony and bliss, our birth right.

Life does not have to be a story of heartache and pain, it can be one of Love, Compassion, Empathy, and Flow. Many of us have defaulted to living in survival mode, disconnected not only from others, but also from ourselves. Our fears of being hurt keep us at an arm's length from others, isolated in our “comfort zones”. 

Utilizing my gift of analyzing energy blockages with Chakra and Aura Analysis, and my training as a Self-healing Mentor, I will help guide you in identifying, clearing, and bringing healing to the insults to your energetic system. In the safety of our healing space, you will re-discover your life-purpose and a sense of peace and clarity that will enable you to move forward in a state of living “on-purpose”, unhindered from limiting beliefs.

I have taken myself from a life of disappointment and self-loathing while growing up in poverty, carrying around so much shame, guilt and negative judgments of myself, keeping my heart so locked up and protected, to where I am now. Today, I am living my life unapologetically in harmony, and I want to share this path to alignment with as many people as I can.

Alignment with PrairieYana

Call (530) 433-4509 for confidential questions and assistance.

Same Day Booking - Energy Healing- Mentorship

Here’s what my clients are saying about working with me…

“My experience with Prairie was far more than I expected. She spent so much time with me helping me to identify some of my emotional blockages. The release I felt was incredible..”


“I felt called to ask for Prairie to help me and I'm so glad I acted on it! I am so grateful that Prairie was able to use her divine powers to assist in clearing stagnant energy and opening my heart chakra. I was able to effortlessly glide into complete wholeness & freedom by the full moon🙌🏾💛🙏🏽.”


“I received a session with Prairie last week and was able to shift my perception of a childhood memory so dramatically that I am experiencing more freedom, more joy and more LOVE..”


Let’s work together.

Does improving your life and well-being call to you? My clients are dedicated to improving their well-being and most invest in my Transformational Experience offering where we work 1:1 together for 12 sessions to dive deeply into your personal transformational upgrades. Each session is tailored to meet the individual needs of my clients. This is where you will find your greatest level of personal growth.

New client space is limited. Let’s find out if we’re a good fit to work together.

Fill out the questionnaire below to initiate your first, free exploratory call.

Frequently asked questions

What is your coaching style?

My methods are a blend of my training as a health and wellness coach, reiki master teacher, career planning facilitator, and registered recovery worker. I utilize all methods listed below as the opportunity presents itself is sessions.

Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches

The assessment used in cognitive-behavioral therapy is based on getting a sense of the client’s pattern of thinking using a collaborative approach. Once self-defeating beliefs have been identified, the treatment process involves examining specific thought patterns and substituting constructive ones.

Talk- Therapy

Refers to a variety of treatments that aim to help a person identify and change troubling emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

Motivational interviewing

A counseling method that involves enhancing a patient's motivation to change by means of four guiding principles, represented by the acronym RULE: Resist the righting reflex; Understand the patient's own motivations; Listen with empathy; and Empower the patient.

Shamanic Healing

An ancient form of healing that has been used for centuries by indigenous people all over the world. Shamanic healers work with energy, spirit guides, and the natural elements to help their clients heal on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

Somatic Therapy

Involves learning how to calm or discharge stress, tension and trauma. These techniques can include breathing exercises, dance, mindfulness and other body movement techniques. Somatic therapy techniques are body-focused to help us calm our nervous systems that have been overloaded by stress.

Health Coaching

Is someone who forms a collaborative, working relationship with a client, helping that individual set and achieve health goals. Health coaches can help their clients identify obstacles to success and develop strategies to overcome those obstacles.

Why do you incorporate Chakras into your coaching methods?

Chakra (cakra in Sanskrit) means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being. There are 7 major chakras spanning from the root at the feet all the way up to the crown of the head. The chakra system correlates to Dr. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which shows that humans need to have their basic needs met in order to function optimally in an other areas of their life. If an imbalance to the energetic system is indicated, this is good information for addressing the therapeutic needs of my clients. Additionally, chakra imbalances are felt within the body and can cause an array of ailments which can be remedied through cognitive behavioral methods, talking therapy, motivational interviewing, somatic therapy, and reiki energy healing.

Healing Services

Click images to learn more

Reiki Healing

Distance Energy Healings


Chakra Analysis

Spiritual Awakening Experience (Mini Session)

Spiritual Awakening Experience with Follow-up Session

Blog Posts

  • Cutting Cords of Attachment

    Releasing cords of attachment to what is no longer serving us is one of the hardest things to do. Use this guide to process through releasing your own cords of attachment and experience the freedom of letting go.

  • The Way of the Cacao

    “Sacred Cacao Ceremony is a time for connectedness, reflection, and feeling close with nature and you fellow humans. When prepared and consumed correctly as part of ceremony, cacao can profoundly open us to our hearts.”

  • Ho'oponopono Forgiveness Prayer

    Use this beautiful Hawaiian Ho'oponopono Forgiveness Ritual to bring everything “back into right” a relationship or a place of integrity with all of our relations.

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