Healing for the Whole Person. Mind. Body. Spirit.

Prairie Francia


I am PrairieYana,

I have dedicated my life to serving individuals who are ready to move beyond the limiting stories they have been fed through social conditioning and trauma-experiences. One of my most powerful discoveries in life has been learning that our beliefs and perceptions of the world shape the lives we live. Even more profound, we have the ability to shift our beliefs and perceptions in a way that empower us to live in harmony and bliss, our birth right.

Life does not have to be a story of heartache and pain, it can be one of Love, Compassion, Empathy, and Flow. Many of us have defaulted to living in survival mode, disconnected not only from others, but also from ourselves. Our fears of being hurt keep us at an arm's length from others, isolated in our “comfort zones” or surrounded by people who suck our life-force out of us. 

Utilizing my gift of analyzing energy blockages with Chakra and Aura Analysis, and my training as a Self-healing Mentor, I will help guide you in identifying, clearing, and bringing healing to the insults to your energetic system. In the safety of our healing space, you will re-discover your life-purpose and a sense of peace and clarity that will enable you to move forward in a state of living “on-purpose”, unhindered from limiting beliefs.

I have taken myself from a life of disappointment and self-loathing while growing up in poverty, carrying around so much shame, guilt and negative judgments of myself, keeping my heart so locked up and protected, to where I am now. Today, I am living my life unapologetically in harmony, and I want to share this path to alignment with as many people as I can.

  • Lotus flower emerging from the muck

    Transformational Series- Choice of 1 or 2, 50 Minute Sessions per Week for 6 or 12 Weeks.

    Meet one on one, once or twice a week with Prairie Yana as your Aligned Living Mentor.

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!