Cleansing and Clearing Gemstones and Crystals By: PrairieYana

It is believed that gemstones and crystals carry the energy (both negative and positive) of their surroundings, within them. It is also believed that in order to best harness and utilize the vibrational energy of the stones, the collected energies must be cleansed and cleared, regularly. While there are several methods used for clearing energy from stones, the easiest and most common is using Sage smoke, spring water, sunshine, the night sky, and a whole lotta LOVING intention.


Sunbathing Gemstone Sets

Solar Charge and Clear Energy with the Power of the Sun

As a Reiki Practitioner and gemstone collector, I find myself cleansing my gemstones and crystals, weekly. Below, I share the gemstone clearing method that I have found to be most convenient for cleansing and clearing stones at home. Keep in mind, it is ‘energy’ we are cleansing. This is not just a sparkle and shine wash (although your stones will shine brighter after a good cleansing), so your intentions and vibrations along the way are crucial.
You will want to make sure that you have the time and space to hold a positive wave of consciousness while cleansing your stones. 


1. Cleanse in water.

You have a few options for this: set your stones in a running creek for 1-2 hours, run sink water over your stones for 2-5 minutes, or place your stones in a bowl or jar full of spring water to soak for 1-2 hours.


2. Purify with Sacred Sage Smoke.

Light your sage (aka Smudge) stick with the flame of a lit candle. Once smoking, deliberately fan the smoke all over each stone. As you Sage your stones, atone the words (either in your mind’s eye or allowed), “Cleansing and clearing. Cleansing and clearing.” Make your intention known that you are clearing the old energy out of the stones and preparing them to be “programmed” with new energy.
You can find smudge sticks at most natural food stores or you can order them online. If you’re in the mood for a DIY project, you can make your own smudge sticks at home.


3. Sunshine is bliss.

Once you have cleansed and cleared your stones with sage smoke, they are ready to be Solar charged by the energy of the Sun. Place your stones on a plate with a paper towel or on a hand towel (something to keep them safe and protected from being damaged and to absorb water). I prefer to have them in full sunlight for the whole day, but just a few hours of full sun will do the trick.


4. Sister Moon.

Give your stones the full spectrum of energy charging by leaving them out under the night sky. The new moon and the full moon are two of the most popular times to cleanse gemstones and crystals, but neither are required. Bring your stones back inside once they’ve been exposed to the dawn hours of the early morning. 


5. Intention setting.

Now that you have cleansed and cleared your gemstones and charged them up with the energy of the sunshine and night sky, you are ready to set your intentions into the stones. If, for example, you have a Rose Quartz stone (the stone of the heart), you can hold it in your palm and attone the words, “Love and light. Love and light,” while embodying unconditional love and empathy. There are many gemstone guides to assist you in selecting stones and intentions that are just right for you, in any moment.


The frequency of gemstone cleansing is dependent upon how often you use them. The gemstones that I keep around my house for decor and good vibes, I cleanse  just once every 1-3 months during the full moon. The gemstones that I use frequently in my Reiki healing practice, I cleanse at least once a week. And the gemstones I purchase from stores or online always get cleansed straight away before use.

Crystals and Gemstones on PrairieYana’s Chakra Board from a Distance Healing session.

Crystals and Gemstones on PrairieYana’s Chakra Board from a Distance Healing session.

Put these babies to use!

Once your stones are cleared, you can give them to friends or clients, use them in your healing practice, for decoration in your home, and/or hold them in your hands and set your own intentions into them. Carry your personal stones in your pocket and/or place them at the head or foot of your bed.

If you are wondering which stones are best for you in your life right now, there are lots of great articles on the internet and gemstone books explaining the energy/vibration of each stone. Rose quartz (pictured) for example, is a stone of the heart, unconditional love, joy, and of compassion. It is used to expand the love vibration of the heart and to assist the lungs in functioning better.

To learn more about my healing practice or to book a healing session with me, click the link below:


The Way of the Cacao By: PrairieYana