Join The Aligned-Living Tribe

Did you know that your energy system is constantly under attack?

From electronic devices and EMF’s to other people’s energy, along with the constant influx of messages received from the world around us —we are always being bombarded with disruptions to our energetic field. Keep your vibes elevated, yourself grounded and aligned, and your protection field strong in The Aligned-Living Tribe. There’s something here for everyone.


If you want to receive energy healing, chakra balancing, and aura clearing on a regular basis, a membership with The Aligned-Living Tribe is for you.

Benefits of Reiki, Aura Clearing, and Chakra Balancing

  • Promotes harmony and balance

  • Creates a deep relaxation and helps the body release stress and tension

  • Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, body and spirit

  • Assists the body and cleansing itself from toxins and supports the immune system

  • Clears the mind and improves focus as you feel grounded and centered

  • Aids better sleep

  • Accelerates the body’s self healing ability as you start to return to your natural state

  • Helps relieve pain and supports the physical body healing

  • Helps spiritual growth and emotional cleansing

  • Complements medical treatment and other therapies

How it Works

After decades of practicing Reiki healing, I have honed my Reiki mastery to be able to send healing energy to clients around the globe.

It’s amazing, Distance Reiki works according to the Hermetic Law of Similarity, which holds that we are all connected, as we are all energy matter and part of a larger whole. As such, invoking this law during distance Reiki sessions allows the practitioner to link an object to the energy field of the recipient. I most commonly use a picture of my clients and stones.

It’s beneficial to relax while receiving your Reiki Healing, but the good news is, for those of you who have busy schedules, the healing energy will go to you, regardless of where you are or what you were doing. You can be at work, in class, or in outer space, you will still receive the benefits of your distance Reiki session.

Reiki will go to wherever your body needs it to go for energetic balancing and healing. You can focus on a goal you have, specific affirmations, or you can just allow the Reiki to go to where your body and energetic field draws it into. Regardless of what you are doing or where you are in the world, your Reiki healing will go right to you.

The reason I am offering this to you is because I know how time-consuming it is to keep your energetic system balanced and strong. I spend a lot of time keeping my energy aligned so I can give all that I have to give to my clients. Not everyone has the time, energy or skill-set to maintain a strong energy field. But! One thing you can now add to your self-care regimen is receiving healing Reiki energy, on a regular basis.


Membership Levels, Descriptions, & Session Rates


With your VIP 1:1 Sessions, you will receive…

✔️ Healing Reiki energy sent directly to you via Distance Healing, Aura Blockage Clearing, and Chakras & Auric Field balancing and/or supercharging, with every session. 

✔️ Your Chakra analysis emailed to you, monthly. If anything is “off” (indicated by an imbalanced Chakra or Auric congestion) I will send you recommendations for helping to bring more balance into your life through your actions, beliefs, and affirmations for transformation. *$50 value (included!)

✔️ This option is ideal for anyone who is in the public-eye, in a position of power over others, doctors, counselors, and other helpers and healers.

Receive personal Healing Reiki Energy, Aura Clearing, and Chakra & Aura Balancing with every session. You get to choose the frequency of your energy healing sessions.

* Clients responsibility to cancel by the 20th of the month.

1 (30 minute) session per week

(1 chakra analysis per month)


2 (30 minute) sessions per week

(1 chakra analysis/month)


This is an amazing deal! As a bonus, your Chakra Analysis, Aura Clearing and Chakra Balancing & Supercharging session is included in your membership, (a $150 value!).

Aligned Living Mentorship Session. Coaching, Client,

Mentorship Membership

50 Minute Sessions: (Over the Phone or Zoom) Formally trained to listen with a compassionate and empathetic ear, Prairie helps her clients to process through their most pressing issues and life challenges. From healing childhood traumas, overcoming depression and anxiety, to relationship challenges, becoming aligned to attract wealth, overcoming stifling road blocks, and setting and achieving goals, Prairie is able to assist her clients in working through an array of issues.

So much healing can be accomplished in one Full or Mini Spiritual Awakening Experience, however, some of us prefer the comfort and security of having on-going support, not only for getting on track, but for staying on track. Every Mentorship session is geared towards the client’s needs, in the moment.

This is an incredible savings! Non-members pay $150 for one 50 minute session. Members get the best rates, equaling cash savings in YOUR pocket!

*Client’s responsibility to cancel by the 20th of the month.

1 (50 minute) session per month


2 (50 minute) sessions per month


As a sworn ethical practitioner, I am only willing to send Reiki to those who have requested it from me, to people's own minor children, and to people who are in hospitals and unable to request the service themselves.