Letting go is one of the hardest things to do.

Having tools for releasing attachments to the things that no longer serve us can make the process easier.

Here’s How

Using a black tourmaline in you right hand, with a movement from above the crown to the under the root. 

Visualize your pillar of light and slowly bring your right hand down to one chakra to the other (or in between them) and any place you feel has any density or attachment/interaction with what you are cutting cords from, visualize rainbow or golden colored light dissolving the cord and saw the cord with the tourmaline in your hand. (Actual saw movement with your right hand) 

When you dissolve the cord with light you affirm that those parts are going back to their owners and/or dissolved back into source, and you can fortify with affirmation empowering what your are calling in. 

Do it everyday in meditation going all the way from higher then your crown to under your root in the earth. 

Cords have attachments in plenty of different functions in our bodies. 

If you can feel into the themes in your energetic centers and how that is attached to the person or theme you are cutting from your field. You can use affirmations to create your new function while and after dissolving the attachment. 


Giving away sexual power or desire to a relationship that is not in integrity with your highest good, when you cut the cords in your sacral, you can affirm: my lifeforce is devoted to the creation of relationships in integrity and the highest expression of my creativity. I birth reality and create with love, respect, passion and integrity. 

All energies that are not in alignment with the highest expression of  my life force are forbidden in my field and must get out of my space and return back to source immediately. 

I am whole and Sovereign.

So be it and so it is. 

For help releasing your cords of attachment, schedule a MentorShip session with Aligned Living Mentor, Prairie Yana.


Ho'oponopono Forgiveness Ritual